Meet Christi
Welcome, friend!
Thank you for stopping by to read the overflow of my heart. Here you will find testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord.
This is a spacious place where you can learn how to abide in Jesus and apply the steadfast truths of Scripture to our ever changing world.
Walking with Him gives us spiritual eyes to see how He is restoring the broken and making all things new.
Let’s get something straight right away. It’s all Jesus! Left to my own, I fumble. I doubt. I fall pitifully short. Any ounce of wisdom on here is directly from Him.
I sorely relate to Paul (author of nearly half of the New Testament), who called himself the chief of all sinners. Although securely saved by grace, my will still wars against my spirit. I too sometimes do the very things I deplore – to myself, my loved ones, and most tragically, my Savior.
Can you relate at all?
Yet from His daily mercies, I press on towards the goal of taking hold of Jesus, because He has taken hold of me.
We are on this journey together of learning how to abide in Jesus. And it changes everything!